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Activity 9: 6 Thinking Hats

We have been using creative and critical thinking in all our past activities of think lab but this time we used lateral thinking to complete the given task.

Lateral thinking is when one uses both critical as well as creative thinking to solve a particular task. However, the thinking tool used in this activity today is termed as the 6 thinking hats which was originated by Edward De Bono.


The 6 Thinking Hats

In the start we were introduced to the 6 thinking hats and were made aware of what each hat means through short points.



1st Part

Further, we had to make a poster in order to explain the importance and usage of the given colour in 6 thinking hats.

2nd Part

Later we saw and understood the importance and usage of each hat through the presentations done by other groups and finally chose a topic from the mystery box on which we had to then explain each and every aspect of that object based on the colour of the hats.



  • This activity made me realise the hierarchy level of each and every hat.

  • Group 2 really stood out to me in this activity as they explained the position and hierarchy of each hat in an organised manner.

  • It was clearly evident that which hat is of least importance while coming to a conclusion. For eg: the red hat was placed at the bottom of the graph which meant that this aspect is of least importance in decision making.

  • I also realised that we have been using this tool unconsciously in our day to day activities before jumping to any conclusions.



Think smart


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