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Activity 6: New Possibilities

This activity of think lab was about finding out new possibilities for a given situation that had been assigned to our group. We had to imagine the given scenario and think about how would our world have looked like if that situation was actually true and we evolved as a race with that imagined context. We had to focus on the changes that this situation might bring into things such as clothes and accessories that we wear, objects that we use and the homes and offices that we reside in etc.



Making a plan for executing the task with time-lines & task allocation was the first step taken by our group in order to function smoothly and to keep a check on the time limit that had been assigned to us.

Further, we listed down all the new possibilities that came to our mind within half an hour, onto the miro board.

The situation that was given to us was "What if humans got nourishment from the sun?".

Our group then immediately picked up items from that list and started sketching them out one by one so that we could easily convey our ideas to the other group members.

When all of us were done with the sketches, we arranged all of them in an organised manner on the miro board and explained each of them with short sentences.



  • Making a plan for executing the task with time-lines & task allocation turned out to be a very useful exercise for us in terms of time management.

  • I personally realised how important is it for us to have a long list of options in any of the activity given, as it gives us the freedom to put forward our best examples and leave behind the rest if we are short of time.



So many things are possible until you think they are impossible.


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