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LJL Isometric Type

Isometric means having equal measures and an isometric drawing can be made with the help of an isometric grid.

The isometric system helps in preventing the visual distortion of any object while drawing it and helps in seeing the 3 different sides of an object equally.





Isometric system of drawing is done with the help of an isometric grid.

​Other methods of drawing that I had been using earlier were not based or dependent on any such grid.


​It is easier to detect any mistake and correct it in an isometric system as it has a technical touch to it.

Mistakes in free hand drawings are comparatively harder to detect and improve and depends solely on your experience.


​The more you practice, the more you learn.

Similarly, the more you practice, the more you learn. For eg: DDD.


During this project I struggled the most when we reached the technical part of it as the outcomes were not coming out to be equal and precise while drawing them.

I then realised that I fad to be a little patient and follow the grid while drawing these and in the beginning, I had to start by drawing them in larger sizes comparatively.

In order to get a hang of the grid, I also practised making ellipses on 3 sides of the cube which helped me follow the grid and get into that practice of drawing the curves precisely.

I think that practicing an isometric type of drawing is essential for me as a designer as it will help me to be more precise and understand the overall dimensions of an object on a larger scale, which in turn will help me communicate my ideas to others in future.


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