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The very base of this project the entire week was asking the ‘WHY’ behind everything that came to our mind and we used various methods of inquiry in order to answer these questions. Methods of inquiry are ways in which we gather information.

These methods are further divided into two categories:


The colour that I was assigned for this project was yellow. This was the first method of inquiry that I used in this project when we were asked to collect objects specific to the colour assigned to us. The objects had to be universally yellow in colour and therefore I had carefully observed my surroundings in order to collect the right objects.The first place that came to my mind in order to complete this task was the kitchen, I was easily able to find most of the objects there. Further I looked around my locality and found natural things such as the yellow bell flower, however it was hard for me to find much of it out there.I then created 10 colour swatches of yellow in my Journal by identifying and carefully observing the variations of colour that I could see in the objects which I had collected in the pre-task. During this activity I experimented with a lot of colours and colour mediums in order to get the right swatch. One such task in which I used this method the most was while watching a movie for task 7. In this task I had to carefully observe about how and where was yellow being used in my specialisation and what impact did it have on the setting of that particular scene in the movie. However this method of inquiry is very subjective in nature so it is hard for everyone to be on the same page as you, other people might have different observations and different outcomes for the same. Task 7

Watching films and documentaries

This is a method of inquiry in which we gain information through watching multiple videos. It is a secondary source of information in which a second person is involved, spreading his knowledge about things that he might have received from somewhere else . Using this method helped me connect to my exploration of colour and expand my knowledge about it by being able to make further categorisations in it. For example: I got to know about how various colours have different meanings attached to it in each culture that we have when we were shown a video during task 4 of this project.Further, I watched a lot of videos related to the colour theory in order to understand the role of colour in cinematography. Most of the information gathered by me in task 7 of this project was through watching videos of professionals such as Vittorio Storaro and Lawrence Sheer, listening to their experience with respect to colour which gave me a better insight of this matter.


One of the tools of inquiry that we used the most during this project is the mind map. It is a graphical representation of information. Mind map helped me structure the information in a correct manner, categorising the information by breaking them into headings and subheadings made it look a lot more organised and creative than reading a long paragraph. Mind map helped me improve my comprehension, enhance productivity, foster creativity in my work and most importantly, it improved my memory and recall because when I saw a word connected to a specific category I could easily recall about what context was that word used in.


The most unclear part of this learning has been how to address the "why's" behind something. I noticed that even after the concept was clear to me and the referencing had been good, I was unable to state the reason behind something even after knowing the answer to it. For eg: During task 7, I could easily tell what role was yellow playing in a particular scene but I was unable to provide an answer to the question of why did yellow specifically set that emotion or why any other colour than yellow had not been used in order to set the mood of that scene.


The clearest point of my learning this week has been my understanding regarding how colour can be used in various domains, setting out various emotions. The reason behind why and how colours combine with each other in order to set the mood of a situation is now clear to me.


One of the major key learnings for me in this project has been that inquiry does not have any limitations attached to it, it does not have an end to it. More the questions you ask more is the chance for you to become aware of things around you. This can be seen clearly in the mind map that I have created.


My motivation had gone down in the middle of this project because the process of expanding my mind map had become a little overwhelming for me. However, other tasks in this project helped me stay engaged in it because one task correlated with the other and whatever information that I received from all the other tasks, could be easily added to my mind map which in turn helped me expand my mind map easily without forcing myself to do it.


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